

Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Dan Cutrona


为那些追求最高能源效率的人, 没有比被动式房屋建筑更高的标准了. 尽管最近在美国出现了复苏, 找到合格的被动建造者仍然是一项罕见的壮举. 这一领域的开拓者之一是 Valle集团, 它在2012年完成了第一座被动式房屋, joining the exclusive club of just 24 Certified Passive Houses in the entire nation. 基督教的山谷, Valle集团总裁, 有助于揭示被动式房屋建筑的优点, and how this style of building just might signify a new standard in responsible building practices.
Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Dan Cutrona, Sandwich MAWhile aesthetically distinctive with dark cementitious panels paired with sustainably sourced wood accents and expansive banks of glass, 其中的要素是 超节能三明治住宅 reflect the environmentally-conscious approach of Passive House Construction. 摄影:Dan Cutrona

Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Dan Cutrona, Sandwich MA“Passive Building can be thought of as the highest standard of building, not only in terms of energy efficiency but also in terms of quantifiable comfort and quality,Valle解释道. 其核心是, Passive Building aims to optimize every facet of a building's energy efficiency through five specific building-science principles: envelope airtightness, 超保温无桥结构, 优化的窗户, 平衡通风, 最小限度地使用空间调节.

“One of the primary objectives of Passive Building is to create an extremely airtight building,Valle说。. 这 key goal serves to prevent unwanted infiltration of outside air and preserve conditioned air. Passive 首页s are known for their use of Energy Recovery Ventilators, 配有热交换芯, ensuring controlled ventilation while retaining up to an impressive 88% of a building’s energy. 

Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Stone Fruit Farm高度绝缘的太阳能宅基地 is so efficient that the client did not have to turn their heat on once during the harsh winter of 2016. It features a series of greenhouses, a workshop, a guest house, and an underground root cellar.

Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Stone Fruit Farm具有气密性标准 比普通建筑紧五倍, 被动式房屋需要精心的设计, 精确结构, 高性能材料. “We recently utilized a technique for identifying very small potential air leaks, which involved putting the structure under negative pressure to create a condition where the entire exterior basically becomes a giant vacuum pulling in outside air,谷地股票. “We then used a fog machine to provide a visual cue to pinpoint any tiny leaks in order to correct them.”

In the realm of insulation, Passive Houses employ super insulation. “It’s referred to as super insulation because it would be far above and beyond in comparison to standard houses. It’s both the amount of insulation used, and the quality of the material that is impressive.” An emphasis on eliminating thermal bridges—those sneaky pathways that permit heat to circumvent insulation or other thermal barriers—also stands as a major component in Passive House construction. 
Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Bourne MA
位于马萨诸塞州伯恩的房子  was Valle集团’s first Passive 首页 project and the first Certified Passive 首页 ever built on the 角. Overlooking Bourne Pond, the property boasts a large portion of land dedicated to organic farming.

Passive House Construction, Valle集团, Sustainable 首页s, Bourne MA被动式建筑还利用了太阳的自然能量. 房屋的定位是最大化朝南的窗户, meticulously calibrated to optimize heat gain based on orientation, 大小, 和气候. “这 enables the home to optimize natural solar heat gain which dramatically reduces the need for mechanical heating,Valle说。, 这反过来又有助于提高能源效率. “被动房主可以期待一栋更安静的完工建筑, 更舒适, 更高效的, 更多的暧, 而且与许多其他替代能源相比,其能源成本要低得多.”

The profound benefits of Passive Building transcend the individual homeowner. 正如Valle启发我们的那样, building construction and operations collectively account for nearly half of the nation's energy consumption. “I think that anytime we build with an eye towards conservation of energy and responsible use of resources, 我们在做我们自己, 这个星球上, 为子孙后代做出巨大贡献,Valle指出. “I know that is a belief that is shared throughout our entire organization.”

Check out the construction process for one of the Valle集团’s recent high performance Passive House projects here: http://vallegroup.com/passive-home/

