

波士顿, MA 02116
(617) 580-3443

在波士顿历史悠久的后湾提供了一个真正独特的体验,在现代欧洲家具购物. Considered a luxury furniture boutique, our showroom does not overwhelm, allowing you to sample the stunning work of our designers. 我们通过在世界上寻找对现实生活有意义的设计来做到这一点. Only the highest in quality of European furniture, 照明, and accessories makes it into our showroom. 我们为我们的消费者提供适合他们需求的现代和当代家具而感到自豪.  By offering our in-home interior design service to clients, 一个室内设计师将拜访你的家,看到你所有的需求第一手. 这项服务的费用是250美元,但可以用于未来的任何购买. 然后,我们的室内设计师将设计一个定制的平面图,满足您的所有标准, with the furniture that works best for your life and space.  In IL装饰, we want to provide you with the service you deserve. 我们的家具不仅会让你的生活变得美丽,你想要的风格, these pieces of furniture are easy to maintain and budget friendly.  

我们与从北美到欧洲各国的70多家制造商合作. The IL装饰 website brings these furnishings to your fingertips. Designers such as Calligaris, γArredamenti, 意大利展出, Presotto, rosseto, 意大利萨巴,Tomasella, Euroform and many others are all just a click away. 超过12个,000 items for you to choose from, our website is dedicated to showing you the exquisite, cutting-edge furniture that will make your home dazzle. On top of all the choices available, 许多设计师(如γArredamenti)也有可定制的设计. 意大利制造的Gamma以其令人难以置信的舒适皮革家具和配饰而闻名. We encourage you to be the artist, 创造一个独一无二的组合式沙发或沙发,你的家人和朋友会喜欢. 选择皮革的颜色和等级,浏览武器和内置货架的选择. Features for Gamma include but are not limited to adjustable headrests and armrests; even the feet of your sofa can be customized. This is only one example of the designers we work with at IL装饰. Make each piece of furniture into a unique creation, designed only for you. 走进我们的展厅,让我们帮助您决定哪些产品和配置最适合您的空间. We can provide you with samples, 目录, 配置, 如何以适合你的价格获得你一直想要的外观.

在另一端, 如果时间有限, 我们许多位于欧洲的制造商在美国也有库存. 送货速度很快,平均两到三周就能送到你家门口. With a warehouse located in North Carolina, 意大利设计师卡利加里斯(Calligaris)携带多功能的精致家具,以完成您家中的每个房间. 在他们的快速船程序不同的完成和配置是可用的. The same can be said for Italian lifestyle manufacturer rosseto. Elegantly designed bedroom furniture to wardrobes, TV units to dining room furniture including buffets and curios, are all available within a couple weeks.   Designing an office or home office in a hurry? Look no further than Danish designer Jesper Office. Based in New Jersey, their U.S warehouse从1935年开始专门设计模块化办公家具. 模块化图书馆和家庭娱乐家具的互补线也可订购. 我们明白,生活并不总是留给你太多的时间来计划. We are here to help you by giving you as many options as possible.

Having over ten years of experience within the European furniture market, 我们已经能够与欧洲的设计师建立关系,这是我们在波士顿地区独有的.  这些强大的合作伙伴关系为我们提供了一些绝佳的机会,能够为消费者提供在新英格兰其他任何地方都无法获得的独特设计.  IL装饰 brings you elegant, 现代, 还有来自欧洲著名设计师和工匠想象力的实用作品. All the while we still remain dedicated to keeping our prices competitive.

我们的陈列室里摆满了新英格兰最好的进口豪华现代家具. We are proud of our collection; each piece is individually selected by our team of design specialists. 我们努力了解我们的展厅和网站上的每一件产品,以便我们可以帮助您更明智地为您的家选择完美的作品. 您家里的每一个房间对我们都很重要,我们会帮您完成每一个空间. 我们在IL dacimcor的系列将给你你一直想要的客厅, a unique and high-end dining room you and your family will enjoy, and spectacular bedrooms to wake up in. 今天就来参观我们,让我们为您提供具有设计它的创作者个性的家具.

访问 IL装饰 了解更多.




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